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The Clovis Award
Recognizing and Rewarding
Compassionate Dressage Partnerships

This award has been established in memory of an extraordinary horse, Clovis, who remarkably competed successfully in FEI level dressage into his late twenties.  Clovis had severe Cushing's disease, anhydrosis, and chronic lymphangitis, but against all odds, and due to a compassionate and knowledgeable team of caregivers and nutritionists, he was able to be managed and kept remarkably healthy and full of zest for life until his last breath.  Clovis had a goofy, playful, quirky personality, and absolutely loved his work and his human partnerships.

The Clovis Challenge has been created to recognize dressage riders who are successfully training and competing while always placing their horse's needs and well-being ahead of their own goals and desires. The intention of the award is to recognize compassionate partnerships and dedication to the horse's mental and physical well-being.

Clovis touched many lives during his 27 years, and taught endless lessons about partnership and compassion.  This award has been developed to ensure that Clovis's legacy and teachings continue for many years to come, and that strong horsemanship and dedication to our equine partners is recognized and promoted throughout our industry.
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